- Started as Program Director at NSF - January 2024
Keynote at ICSME 2023, October 1-6, 2023 - Bogota, Colombia
Speaker at SIESTA 2023, Sep. 11-13, 2023 - Lugano, Switzerland
Panelist at the U.S. Leadership in Software Engineering & AI Engineering: Critical Needs & Priorities Workshop, Alexandria, VA - 6/21/23
Most Influential Paper Award from ICPC 2003, presented at the ICPC 2023
Juan Manuel Florez graduated and starts his job at CQSE America, 05/22
Ali Ghanbari graduated and starts as CI Fellows Postdoc Researcher at Iowa State University, 12/21
Jonathan Perry joins the SEERS group, 05/21
Ying Zhou joins the SEERS group, 08/21
ACM SigSoft Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2020
Oscar Chaparro earns the 2020 David Daniel Thesis Award
Most Influential Paper Award from WCRE 2010, presented at the SANER 2020
Most Influential Paper Award from ICSM 2009, presented at ICSME 2019.
Oscar Chaparro starts as Assistant Professor at The College of William and Mary
Juan Manuel Florez earns the Doctoral Symposium Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2019
IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award at ICSME 2017 with Oscar Chaparro and Juan Manuel Florez
Most Influential Paper Award from VISSOFT 2002 at VISSOFT 2017 with Jonathan Maletic and Michael Collard
Most Influential Paper Award from ICPC 2007 at ICPC 2017 with Denys Poshyvanyk
Technical Briefing on "Automatic Software Summarization" with Laura Moreno at ICSE 2017
Most Influential Paper Award from ICSM 2006 at ICSME 2016 with Denys Poshyvanyk
Laura Moreno starts as Assistant Professor at Colorado State University
Tutorial on "The Use Of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Techniques In Software Engineering" with Venera Arnaoudova, Sonia Haiduc, and Giulio Antoniol, at SPLASH 2015
Invited speaker at the 2015 CHOOSE forum, Bern, Switzerland, 10/23/2015
Invited lecturer at the 2015 Summer School on Software Engineering at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 09/08/2015
Tutorial on "The Use Of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Techniques In Software Engineering" with Venera Arnaoudova, Sonia Haiduc, and Giulio Antoniol, at FSE 2015, 09/04/2015
Invited lecturer at the 2015 International Engineering Seminar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, School of Engineering, Bogota, Colombia, 07/01/2015
Venera Arnaoudova accepted a position as tenure track Assistant Professor at Washington State University, to start in August 2015
Technical briefing on "The Use Of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Techniques In Software Engineering" with Venera Arnaoudova, Sonia Haiduc, and Giulio Antoniol, at ICSE 2015, 05/28/2015
Venera Arnaoudova joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher
Starting Fall 2014 I moved to the Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas.
Papers accepted at ICSME 2014 and FSE 2014
Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Most Influential Paper Award from WCRE 2004 to be presented at the 2014 CSMR-WCRE Software Evolution Week, 02/05/2014.
PC member for: ICSE 2014, ICSE 2015, RSSE 2014 ICPC 2014, MSR 2014.
Invited talk in the ECE Department, University of Waterloo, 08/06/2013
Sonia Haiduc successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation on "Supporting Text Retrieval Query Formulation in Software Engineering", 06/21/2013.
Invited seminar at the Computing Department, The Open University, 05/02/2013
Papers accepted in MSR 2013, TEFSE 2013, RAISE 2013, WETSoM2013
Laura Moreno successfully passed her qualifying exam.
Jairo Aponte successfully defended his dissertation.
Invited talk at the V Seminario Internacional de Ciencias de la Computacion, at Universidad de Medellin, Colombia, 11/7-8/2012
Invited seminar at the Department of Computer Science, Western Michigan University, 10/12/2012
PC member for QUATIC 2012 - Quality in ICT Evolution Track
Invited seminar at the Department of Computer Science, University of Memphis, 03/23/2012
Book chapter in Software and Systems Traceability Cleland-Huang, Jane; Gotel, Orlena; Zisman, Andrea (Eds.), published by Spriner
Research visit at the University of Chile 01/23-27/2012 and talk at the Pleiad Research Group
Research visit at Newcastle University 01/02-16/2012
Technical briefing accepted at ICSE 2012 - "On the Use of Text Retrieval Techniques in Software Engineering", with Giulio Antoniol
Keynote talk at the ASE 2011 PhD Symposium on "Nurturing your research career" 11/06/2011
Invited talk at the IV Seminario Internacional de Ciencias de la Computacion - Software Testing, at the Universidad de Medellin, Colombia, on "Using text retrieval for bug localization" 10/26-27/2011
Invited to the editorial board of Empirical Software Engineering, Springer
Technical briefing on "The Management of Unstructured Information during Software Evolution" accepted at ESEC/FSE 2011
Invited lecturer at the Canadian Summer School on Practical Analyses of Software Engineering Data, 06/16-20/2011
Technical briefing at the Software Design and Productivity Coordinating Group of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program, 05/05/2011
Research seminar at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware, 04/29/2011
PC member for CSMR 2012, 4/7/2010
My students, Sonia Haiduc and Scott Ohlemacher, got papers accepted at the ICPC 2011 Student Research Symposium
Research seminar at Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, 03/14/2011
1 Paper accepted at TEFSE 2011 02/21/2011
PC member for SUITE 2011, ICPC 2011, TEFSE 2011, WCRE 2011, IWPSE/EVOL 2011
1 Paper accepted at FoSER 2010
3 year research grant awarded by NSF - SHF:Small:Collaborative Research:Better Comprehension of Software Engineering Data - CCF-Software and Hardware Foundations. Collaborative research with Tim Menzies from West Virginia University.
General Chair for ICSM 2011
Tutorial on Text Retrieval Applications in Software Engineering with Giulio Antoniol, at ASE 2010, 09/20/2010
Keynote speaker at the 4th International Joint ERCIM/IWPSE Symposium on Software Evolution (IWPSE-Evol 2010), 09/20/2010
Invited lecturer to the 7th International Summer School on Software Engineering, at the University of Salerno, Italy, 07/08/2010
Guest lecture at the School of Computing Science of the University of Newcastle, 06/10/2010
Received the 2010-11 WSU Career Development Chair Award
Paper accepted at ICSE 2010 - NIER
PC Co-Chair for ICSM 2010
Publicity Chair for ESEC/FSE 2011
Workshops Co-Chair for WCRE 2010
PC member for:
MSR 2010, CSMR 2010, ICPC 2010, RSSE 2010, SUITE 2010
- consider submitting a paper and participating!Research grant awarded - NSF CAREER award Management of Unstructured Information during Software Evolution - 08/01/2009 - 07/31/2014